Since Missouri’s school year goes from July 1 to June 30, we have already started a new year!
I know most of us are still gearing up for our school year though. We hope the Mid-Missouri Christian Homeschool Cooperative is part of those plans.
I wanted to take a moment to highlight some of this year’s class changes!
We are excited to be adding an age group to our little co-op this year. Instead of grouping the school-age kids in 2 groups (kindergarten to fourth and fifth to twelfth), we will have 3 age groups. These groups are early elementary (ages 5-8), intermediate (ages 8-13), and advanced (ages 13-18). We are hoping this division will not only allow for smaller class sizes, but more developmentally appropriate classes.
Of course we still have the nursery and preschool class for younger children.
As always, we are eager for the theatre production class as well. This class has always been a huge hit thanks to an amazing teacher. This year they will be performing Peter Pan! Any child over 8-years-old can be a part of it for an additional fee to help cover make-up, costumes, and sets. This class will be Friday after lunch throughout the fall block.
Like last year, we will be offering a choir class after lunch during the spring block. This choir is specifically for ages 13 and older and will perform at a higher level then our younger kids choir.
Of course, we have many fun classes prepared for all age groups! You can view the entire class schedule HERE!
Ready to register? Find everything you need on the Registration Page, and we look forward to seeing you in August!